Chapter 3 High-risk AI systems

Section 1Classification of AI systems as high-risk
Art. 6 AI ActClassification rules for high-risk AI systems
Art. 7 AI ActAmendments to Annex III
Section 2Requirements for high-risk AI systems
Art. 8 AI ActCompliance with the requirements
Art. 9 AI ActRisk management system
Art. 10 AI ActData and data governance
Art. 11 AI ActTechnical documentation
Art. 12 AI ActRecord-keeping
Art. 13 AI ActTransparency and provision of information to deployers
Art. 14 AI ActHuman oversight
Art. 15 AI ActAccuracy, robustness and cybersecurity
Section 3Obligations of providers and deployers of high-risk AI systems and other parties
Art. 16 AI ActObligations of providers of high-risk AI systems
Art. 17 AI ActQuality management system
Art. 18 AI ActDocumentation keeping
Art. 19 AI ActAutomatically generated logs
Art. 20 AI ActCorrective actions and duty of information
Art. 21 AI ActCooperation with competent authorities
Art. 22 AI ActAuthorised representatives of providers of high-risk AI systems
Art. 23 AI ActObligations of importers
Art. 24 AI ActObligations of distributors
Art. 25 AI ActResponsibilities along the AI value chain
Art. 26 AI ActObligations of deployers of high-risk AI systems
Art. 27 AI ActFundamental rights impact assessment for high-risk AI systems
Section 4Notifying authorities and notified bodies
Art. 28 AI ActNotifying authorities
Art. 29 AI ActApplication of a conformity assessment body for notification
Art. 30 AI ActNotification procedure
Art. 31 AI ActRequirements relating to notified bodies
Art. 32 AI ActPresumption of conformity with requirements relating to notified bodies
Art. 33 AI ActSubsidiaries of notified bodies and subcontracting
Art. 34 AI ActOperational obligations of notified bodies
Art. 35 AI ActIdentification numbers and lists of notified bodies
Art. 36 AI ActChanges to notifications
Art. 37 AI ActChallenge to the competence of notified bodies
Art. 38 AI ActCoordination of notified bodies
Art. 39 AI ActConformity assessment bodies of third countries
Section 5Standards, conformity assessment, certificates, registration
Art. 40 AI ActHarmonised standards and standardisation deliverables
Art. 41 AI ActCommon specifications
Art. 42 AI ActPresumption of conformity with certain requirements
Art. 43 AI ActConformity assessment
Art. 44 AI ActCertificates
Art. 45 AI ActInformation obligations of notified bodies
Art. 46 AI ActDerogation from conformity assessment procedure
Art. 47 AI ActEU declaration of conformity
Art. 48 AI ActCE marking
Art. 49 AI ActRegistration