Chapter 9 Post-market monitoring, information sharing and market surveillance

Section 1Post-market monitoring
Art. 72 AI ActPost-market monitoring by providers and post-market monitoring plan for high-risk AI systems
Section 2Sharing of information on serious incidents
Art. 73 AI ActReporting of serious incidents
Section 3Enforcement
Art. 74 AI ActMarket surveillance and control of AI systems in the Union market
Art. 75 AI ActMutual assistance, market surveillance and control of general-purpose AI systems
Art. 76 AI ActSupervision of testing in real world conditions by market surveillance authorities
Art. 77 AI ActPowers of authorities protecting fundamental rights
Art. 78 AI ActConfidentiality
Art. 79 AI ActProcedure at national level for dealing with AI systems presenting a risk
Art. 80 AI ActProcedure for dealing with AI systems classified by the provider as non-high-risk in application of Annex III
Art. 81 AI ActUnion safeguard procedure
Art. 82 AI ActCompliant AI systems which present a risk
Art. 83 AI ActFormal non-compliance
Art. 84 AI ActUnion AI testing support structures
Section 4Remedies
Art. 85 AI ActRight to lodge a complaint with a market surveillance authority
Art. 86 AI ActRight to explanation of individual decision-making
Art. 87 AI ActReporting of infringements and protection of reporting persons
Section 5Supervision, investigation, enforcement and monitoring in respect of providers of general-purpose AI models
Art. 88 AI ActEnforcement of the obligations of providers of general-purpose AI models
Art. 89 AI ActMonitoring actions
Art. 90 AI ActAlerts of systemic risks by the scientific panel
Art. 91 AI ActPower to request documentation and information
Art. 92 AI ActPower to conduct evaluations
Art. 93 AI ActPower to request measures
Art. 94 AI ActProcedural rights of economic operators of the general-purpose AI model